Friday, April 19, 2024
    HomeWordsWord Meaning

    Word Meaning

    Word Meaning

    1. Anarchy – Absence of government.

    2. Annual – Happening every year.

    3. Anonymous – That does not bear the name of the writer.

    4. Aquatic – Living in (or near) water.

    5. Atheist – One who does not believe in god.

    6. Autobiography – The life story of a person written by himself.

    7. Amateur – One who pursues some art or sport as hobby.

    8. Bankrupt – One who cannot pay off his debt.

    9. Biography – The life story of a person.

    10. Brittle – Liable to be easily broken.

    11. Botany – The science of vegetable life.

    12. Barometer – An instrument for measuring Atmospheric pressure.

    13. Blonde – A beautiful lady of fair complexion and golden hair.

    14. Century – One hundred years.

    15. Cantonment – Temporary quarters made for military men.

    16. Combustible – Liable to catch fire easily.

    17. Credulous – One who believes easily whatever is told.

    18. Contagious – A disease communicable by contact.

    19. Dead letter – A letter claimed by nobody.

    20. Edible – Fit to be eaten.

    21. Eligible – One who is fit to be elected.

    22. Extempore – A speech made without previous preparation.

    23. Egoist – A person who always thinks of himself.

    24. Fastidious – Hard to please.

    25. Fatal – That which causes death.

    26. Fatalist – One who believes in fate.

    27. Fiend – A most wicked and cruel man.

    28. Honorary – A post for which no salary is paid.

    29. Hospitable – One who entertains his guests.

    30. Hades – Lower world beneath the earth.

    31. Hearse – Vehicle to carry dead body.

    32. Hoyden – A very romping girl.

    33. Hydra – An imaginary serpent with many heads.

    34. Illegal – Contrary to law.

    35. Illegible – Which cannot be read.

    36. Inaudible – Which cannot be heard.

    37. Inaccessible – Incapable of being approached.

    38. Incredible – Which cannot be believed.

    39. Incorrigible – Which cannot be corrected.

    40. Indelible – That which cannot be effaced.

    41. Infallible – A person who cannot make a mistake.

    42. Insatiable – That which cannot be satisfied.

    43. Insoluble – That cannot be dissolved.

    44. Insurmountable – That cannot be overcome.

    45. Invincible – Incapable of being conquered.

    46. Irrelevant – Not to the point.

    47. Kindergarten – A school of young children.

    48. Linguist – One who knows many languages.

    49. Maiden speech – Speech made for the first time.

    50. Manuscript – Papers written in hand.

    51. Migratory – That moves from one place to another.

    52. Matinee – A cinema show which is held in the afternoon.

    53. Manifesto – A written declaration of Government or a political party.

    54. Manna – Foods offered to the gods.

    55. Notorious – Of evil reputation.

    56. Omnipotent – One who is powerful.

    57. Omnipresent – One who is present everywhere.

    58. Omniscient – One who knows everything.

    59. Optician – One who prescribes glasses.

    60. Optimist – One who takes the bright side of things.

    61. Orphan – A child whose parents are dead.

    62. Orthodox – A man of traditional beliefs.

    63. Panacea – A remedy for all ills.

    64. Pedestrian – One who walks on foot.

    65. Pessimist – one who takes the dark side of things.

    66. Postmortem – An examination made after death.

    67. Posthumous – A child born after the death of its father.

    68. Parables -Stories which build morale.

    69. Paramour – illicit lover.

    70. Satyr – Highly lustful man.

    71. Shrew – A peevish woman.

    72. Teetotaller – One who totally abstains from alcoholic drinks.

    73. Tryst – A place for meeting of two lovers.

    74. Turncoat – A person who changes his party or principles easily.

    75. Unintelligible -That which cannot be understood.

    76. Universal – A rule that is applicable to all.

    77. Veteran – One who has long experience.

    78. Voluntary – Of one’s own free will.

    79. Widow – A woman whose husband is dead.

    80. Widower – A man whose wife is dead.

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