Writing Geeks
Writing Geeks
  • AI+

    Embark on a transformative journey that challenges your perception of AI and unveils the boundless potential within you. With over 220,000 hours of experimentation on 100,000 individuals worldwide, Korak Day offers a holistic approach to life, liberating you from regret, stress, depression, and toxins. Through four profound steps of Consciousness, Experience, Resonance with the highest, and Excellence, Korak reveals the path to awaken your dormant inner power – Aatma, the MetaSoul. This book empowers readers to break free from machine dependency and embrace their uniqueness to live life to its fullest.
  • “The Jar is gone. It’s Protector? Dead. There are too many cheese references for anyone’s liking. Can three young officers solve the most formidable mystery this town has seen in decades?” The PAAW Museum opens its gates to tourists once again post the pandemic, inviting the eyes and ears of the world within its forbidden chambers. The Board of the Museum has a goal in mind: to share the secrets they have so fiercely guided for the past seven decades with the hearts who can bear them and the souls who can. The lessons derived from these secrets can help give the world some direction in the unbridled chaos of our generation. It was time for the past to resurface. After all, a past kept hidden is an earthly life forgotten.
  • The Dharma of the typical Indian citizen is to move into the globalized and networked future while being rooted in the richness and orderliness of the Indian culture. The Indian social ecosystem offers several principles of management. This book, titled Dharmic Management offers multiple insights on management from the Indian social ecosystem. This book is written to trigger a collaboration between cultural scholars and management experts to expand and enrich the domain of Dharmic Management.
  • Dubai is becoming a magnet for business entrepreneurs, innovators, and dreamers. The leaders of the country have turned deserts and sand dunes into a world-class city that more than 200 nationalities call home. Dubai has become the jewel of the Middle e a s t. In this world-class city and amazing entrepreneurial environment, I started a business in healthcare. I wanted to bring world-class quality healthcare services to the Middle East. It is my modest attempt to do that in areas where I can have an impact. I have gained a good level of academic and industry healthcare knowledge and experience from a business development standpoint. I wanted to craft my own career and business in healthcare in Dubai. I am thankful to Dubai for giving me the environment to launch my business in healthcare. I have learned a lot from the experience of setting up and growing a couple of companies. One company was successful, and the other one was either closed, ceased operations, or sold out.
  • If you can dream it, you can achieve it. If you want to: • Develop a positive mental attitude • Raise your self-esteem • Release your emotional baggage • Build healthy habits • Improve your performance • Achieve your goals • Live happily in the moment Then this book is for you. You will learn powerful and proven techniques to become the best version of yourself and achieve happiness and greater success. The concepts and techniques explained in this book, such as meditation, mindfulness, affirmations, and visualization, would help you unlock your hidden potential and create the life of your dreams.
  • In this Hindi short story collection, immerse yourself in a profound journey through the myriad complexities of life. This book breathes life into its characters, revealing the raw realities of emotions and the profound simplicity that lies within the complexity of being human. The book captivates us with its raw authenticity, presenting real-life struggles and triumphs that mirror the complexities of our own journeys. Dive into a rich blend of narratives, where the fire of dreams ignites the vessel of the heart, and the slow flame of patience crafts a masterpiece of life's truest essence.
  • Midnight Muses is an artistic collection of refined poetry, which explores a person’s deepest feelings.
  • Is ethics subject to evolution? Has ethics chosen evolution over extinction in its course of existentialism? Does a paradigm shift in the sequence of our priorities and the immortality in the motion of time, act as a catalyst for the evolution of ethics? Does constantly judging the lack of conventionally established ethical standards in all our present-day actions, prevent us from celebrating the presence of ethics in its best possible contemporary form today? Ethics & its Ecdysis makes you wonder if ethics as a phenomenon is subject to evolution, just like every other living being despite being abstract in nature, or not? This book attempts to answer these curious questions through a very interesting story. With business ethics as the plot and ecdysis as the theme, the author has attempted to discover the possibility of the evolution of ethics through a realistic, relatable, and relevant story. Ultimately, this book leaves you with the power to decide whether you choose to accept the ecdysis of ethics and keep pace with reality OR accept the extinction of the conventionally rigid connotations of ethics and fossilize your place in the real space.
  • With this book, You'll live reckon into • How to get live core spirit wellness ability • How to gain momentum to power transit peakness • The understanding of self dawn with the right league forth • Self-meaning decryption • How to align with light unfathomability life integrateness • How to be in prime purity undefeatable in aheadness • The way to gaining mind golden reflexvity live • How to get fate current alignability potential The humanity’s boon is the aware of the treasure within then guiding it into life brilliancing wondervity of heaven bring through us by perfect precisevity of pinnacleizing the art of living by various techniques and understanding perspectives creates the magnificent elegance of self worth in combinability with freedom presencive world this book awakes the glory of elite primeful living
  • In an era dominated by progress and innovation, we find ourselves drifting away from nurturing our minds and bodies. We've grown accustomed to chronic stress, discomfort, and dissatisfaction. But no more! It's time to break free from this cycle and reclaim our place as vibrant, intelligent, and content beings. No advanced degrees or specialized expertise is required. "Tune into your Happiness Frequency serves as your personal guidebook to develop the physical and mental foundation necessary to align with your unique state of joy. Within these pages, you'll gain profound self-awareness. Discover essential truths about physical and mental well-being, decoding the intricate connections within your body, endocrine system, nervous system, diet, and mindset. While it may seem overwhelming, you'll quickly realize that a few scientific insights will chart your course to lasting joy and well-being Drawing on over 17 years of expertise in the Wellness industry and a track record of transforming countless lives, Life Coach Tash Enriquez dives deep into the extraordinary connection between mind and body. The knowledge you seek is readily available at your very fingertips. However, mere knowledge isn't enough action is the key. By embracing change, you fall deeply in love with e, embracing your untapped potential.
  • Living?

    In her emotionally charged masterpiece, "Living," author Sree Gaur fearlessly invites readers into the innermost chambers of the human experience. With a deft blend of poetry and memoir, Gaur crafts an unvarnished narrative that navigates the labyrinthine terrains of PTSD, anxiety, and depression. Her words act as a balm, resonating with a rare authenticity that lends voice to the intricacies of these often unspoken battles. Gaur's writing is a testament to the power of vulnerability, each verse an intimate confession that unites hearts in shared understanding. Her unwavering honesty forms the foundation of this poignant collection, weaving a tapestry of verses that capture the spectrum of human emotion. As readers journey alongside her, they are not mere spectators; they are fellow travelers exploring their own emotional landscapes. From the depths of despair to the heights of resilience, "Living" is a chronicle of the human spirit's ceaseless journey toward healing. Through Gaur's keen insights, personal anecdotes, and heart-rending verses, the darkness of trauma and the grip of anxiety are laid bare, accompanied by the flickers of hope that light the path forward. The pages are imbued with the warmth of shared experiences, creating a profound connection between the author and the reader. Sree Gaur's exploration of mental health transcends the boundaries of personal narrative. "Living" acts as a bridge, inviting readers to peer into the universal struggles that society often shrouds in silence. As Gaur's words traverse the delicate lines between self and society, readers are offered a transformative perspective on the wider implications of mental health battles. The book's potency lies not only in its poetic eloquence but also in its ability to foster empathy and understanding. More than a collection of verses, "Living" is a beacon of strength and resilience. It embodies the extraordinary power of self-expression, reminding us that through our vulnerabilities, we find strength. It's a testament to the indomitable nature of the human spirit, proving that even in the darkest of moments, there exists a capacity for renewal, discovery, and hope. In "Living," Sree Gaur has crafted a literary masterpiece that transcends its genre. It is a mirror reflecting our shared humanity, a roadmap for personal growth, and an anthem for the resilience that resides within us all. As you turn the pages of this soul-stirring work, prepare to be profoundly moved and inspired to embark on your own transformative journey.
  • Nari-Sparsh

  • This Day That Year as a title came from a TV program of the 90s called “This Week That Year”, that I used to watch on TV. I could relate to it very well as I remembered the release dates of most of the movies of the late 60s and early 70s and when the host spoke about it, I went down my memory lane and loved the experience. Once I became part of Facebook in 2009, I found a great forum to share my experiences of movie releases in Bombay then and now Mumbai. I found a lot of like-minded people who could relate to my post and shared their experiences and thoughts as comments. Quite a few of them encouraged me to share it with a larger audience and hence suggested publishing it. I never thought of doing it but when people kept telling me regularly to do it, I decided to give it a try, and here comes my experiences and thoughts of the movies released in the late 60s and early 70s. Hope you like what you read, though many of the statements would look repetitive. But do accept the experiences of a teenager who turns into a man in 1973.
  • The story starts with twelve-year-old kids named Emily, Ida, and Zee. One day by accident they each get a wish in which one of them ’s wish comes true in a terrible way, to undo the wish, they had to go to the city of forever lost. Where they were trapped in their own thoughts, struggled to find their way out, solved mysteries, fought against gravity, and faced their greatest fears: “Once You Enter The Forest Of Darkness, You Can’t Turn Back Due To The Forest’s Starkness. If You Focus In What You Seek, The Forest Will Show You The Lead. But.. Only One Can Go Further, After You Face The Greatest Fear.” Who will be the one to go further ? Who will be lost in the forests forever ? What was the wish ? And how will they save the day ? Read more to find out…
  • Life has its ups and downs, which are provided in a nutshell, in this collection of poems. A glimpse into the day-to-day life is offered, not to mention the joys and impediments in raising a family. One takes in the excitements and pleasures of various worlds - the world of music, the magic of the beach and the chirping of the birds. On a serious note, managing household and career, studies and gadgets, relatives and family, all bring one to take decisions and to prioritize. A gamut of emotions would grip one as one ponders over the poems. Relevance to today’s times is a noteworthy factor even as lively illustrations enthrall the soul. Looking at festivals, the fun of Christmas and Diwali does not absolve one of his or her duty, be it the household head, the ever-present career woman or the innocent children. Children, who love the circus and the zoo, bonding with animals. Some even have pets to live with and to love. All in all, this is the life of the current era, and though it is busy, there are plenty of remarkable occasions, one realizes, as one delves into its various shades.


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