Sample Chapter of
The Flame of Anahata
Sample Chapter of The Flame of Anahata
Title : The Flame of Anahata
Author : Saranya Umakanthan
Available at : [vc_button title=”Amazon” target=”_self” color=”default” href=”″] [vc_button title=”Kindle Edition” target=”_self” color=”default” href=”″]
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About The Book
The Flame of Anahata
“They turned to see his tears of love wiping away her blood of agony…”
Diya throws Suraj’s proposal back in his face, leaving him broken-hearted. Why would she do so when she loved him desperately?
Suraj finds his Guruji unconscious beside a cave clutching the warrior Indrajith’s diary. His heart-rending love story then unfolds. Being trapped in a web of emotions, Indrajith endured the pain of his lost love, hurting himself and trampled Deepali’s hope for his adopted brother… Who was he?
Sealed for centuries and holding the Mann-Parivarthana astra, the cave is besieged by evil now. But all attempts to unlock it go futile. Faced with baffling hints, Suraj’s intelligence is sorely tested. What is the potent power required to break through that Paanch-Dost-Gupha?
Will the fire of love ever flicker in the hearts of Diya and Suraj?
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About The Author
Saranya Umakanthan is a software engineer by profession and a two-time university topper. An avid reader, she enjoys playing with words. She loves coffee, books and online shopping. Nothing brings her more contentment than seeing a reader enjoying her book. The fragrance and texture of paperback novels inspire her and she hangs out at bookstores frequently.