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    Daddy’s Little One Review

    Daddy’s Little One Review

    Daddy’s Little One Review

    Title: Daddy’s Little One
    Author: Niti Mittal

    About The Book

    Daily thousands of daughters were born in the world, one was named Shagun. A princess to her dad, she became his nerve. She was loved, pampered and revered. Her dad was her knight in the shining armor. Just when Shagun thought she was having the most of her life, she lost her father to vasculitis. That was the most unbelievable incident of her life. The loss triggered a host of worries and fears inside her. She felt anxious, helpless and insecure. She started having panic attacks. But what could she do about it? The difficult period became less intense and shorter as she met Vikrant. The two ordinary people caught up in a web of love and ambition. Life threw another riddle at her when her mother disapproved of Vikrant and forced her to marry someone else. Torn in between her own happiness to walk hand in hand with Vikrant for all her remaining breaths and his well being, she had no option but to sacrifice her love and agree to get married to whosoever her family wanted her to.Her innocence was traded and she tried fitting in for gaining the acceptance of her mom.  She struggled with depression, suicidal tendencies and the loss of loved ones. Will she recompose herself and come out of the storm alive? Or will she destroy herself in the process ? “Daddy’s Little One” traces a beautiful rollercoaster journey of love, friendship, family bondings – a story about losing parents, sacrifices and solitude, efforts and hope. Let your heart melt.

    Daddy's Little One Review

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    Positives– Before I start let me clear, this will going to be a long review. Read on to find out why?

    The story starts with Arihant, who is a wonderful cricketer and everybody is a fan of his game. The moment he wins the match, he calls his mother, Shagun ( the protagonist)  and shares his happiness with her. The story then rewinds itself into the past, at the time of Arihant’s mother Shagun that is led  by a series of the roller coaster of emotions, sacrifices, and everything.
    First of all, the center of attraction of this novel is undoubtedly, Shagun. The character shares a very special bond with her father. Her father also, in turn, supports Shagun at every step of her life no matter what the situation is. Yes, this is how fathers are. And the author has explained this father- daughter bonding very well. I loved the writing style. Extremely simple style with the good use of vocabulary wherever needed.
    Although in the starting when the story gets rewinds, I didn’t felt much attracted towards the story, but, the moment Shagun (the protagonist) loses her dad that embarks on to her new journey is the point where the real power of the novel is hidden.
    The simple plot is woven into a beautiful story with good dialogue delivery . And yes, this is the work of a debutant. Fantastic characterization. Shagun does justice to the role of the protagonist by being bold, mature, responsible, and caring and every trait a strong girl should have. The way, she fights with her family especially mother to show them the reality of life is amazing. Sadly, in India, parents can happily make you marry with a stranger allowing you to share your body with him just because of the dignity, pride of the family but won’t let you marry a boy of your own choice whom you know very well. This is the ugliest part of today. The way, shagun moves on from her failed marriage and forgets Vikrant, the love of her life is seriously superb.
    Also, not to forget the character of Aakriti, Shagun’s best friend, who supported her at each and every step is noticeable. Friends like Aakiriti make life easy to live.
    While reading I got goosebumps at some places because the way Shagun fights with life and return back with a punch is superb. Kudos to the author for this. I felt connected to Shaugn because we both share the same pain. The pain of losing parents, no matter one or both, the pain remains the same and it haunts you each and every day.

    Overall, the story encourages you to be stronger after the loss and to fight with the world for your dreams. Yes, fight for your dreams, your love before it’s too late.

    Additionally, While reading I found some fantastic lines that took my heart away and  I want to quote those lines here.
    “One of the hardest things about losing a parent is feeling that nobody understands. Even worse is feeling different and seeing those differences every day. When four of your friends talk about their father fathers, complain about something their dad did or mention anything related to him, you immediately miss yours’. Especially for a girl, missing him while walking down the aisle on her wedding holds the unbearable pain. It hurts, it’s lonely. It seriously is.

    Moving towards the end, the last line of the book,-
    “The ones we love, they never leave. They walk beside us every day.”.

    Lastly, the blockbuster line-
    “There is no promise of tomorrow. We are given such a small time, and we never know when out time will run out. Many people don’t truly appreciate this. How can they if they’ve never had to think about death? So treasure your life, make it worthwhile. Spend your life doing things that make you happy because you may not have the chance later. Jump off the airplane, swim with dolphins, learn to scuba dive, hike the mountains. Keep ticking your wish list only one. Life is too short to be afraid of anything.

    Negatives- First of all, the blurb is too short and gives no hint about the story. It fails to catches attention of readers. Secondly, the cover didn’t go well with the story. With such a beautiful story, there could have many options of getting a beautiful cover as well.

    Rest, no flaws.

    My ratings for”Daddy’s Little One” is 4/5

    ~ Nikita Ranga
    (Reviewer, Writing Geeks)

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