Saturday, April 20, 2024



    Determiners – Those words that are used before a noun to determine or fix it meaning are known as determiner.

    Example :

    • we need more information.
    • He finds less time for his hobbies.

    Determiners can be classified into four main categories : Articles, Demonstratives, Possessives, Indefinite Adjectives.

    1. Articles – The words “a/an” and “the” are called Articles. These words are usually used before a noun.

    There are two types of articles : a) Definite articles and b) Indefinite articles.

    a) Definite Articles – Definite articles are those articles that usually point out a particular person or thing. E.g. He saw the player.
    definite article can be used before singular as well as plural countable noun. It can also be used before an uncountable noun.

    b) Indefinite Articles – Indefinite articles are those articles that usually leave indefinite the person or thing spoken of. E.g. He is a doctor, I have an umbrella.
    In the above examples “a” and “an” are indefinite articles that are representing any doctor or any kind of umbrella.

    2. Demonstratives – The words like this, that, these and those are known as demonstrative determiners.

    3. Possessives – The words like my, our, your, his, her, its , their, Mohan’s, Lion’s etc are  known as possessive determiners.

    4. Indefinite Adjectives – The words like some, any, much, many, little, few and less etc are put in indefinite adjective determiners category.

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