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    Words You Need To Know

    Words You Need To Know

    Here are 11 Words You Need To Know

    Overmorrow: on the day after tomorrow.

    Overmorrow: on the day after tomorrow.
    Example: “I’ll have that report to you overmorrow.”

    Why: Overmorrow was in Middle English but fell out of the language. So instead of having this word, we have the wordy “day after tomorrow.” German still has this very useful word: übermorgen.

    Bedward: heading toward bed.

    Bedward: heading toward bed.

    Example: “I’m bedward, putting this group text on mute.”

    Why: Because it treats your bed as a cardinal direction. As it should be.

    Elflock: hair that has been tangled as if by elves.

    Elflock: hair that has been tangled as if by elves.

    Example: “I think I bruised my scalp trying to get those elflocks out.”

    Why: Because hair tangles are frustrating, but elflocks are adorable. And speaking of them helps to re-enchant our world.

    Snollygoster: A smart person not guided by principles.

    Snollygoster: A smart person not guided by principles.

    Example: “That snollygoster might end up in the White House.”

    Why: Because we need a name for the people who don’t recognize that with great power comes great responsibility.

    Zwodder: A hazy state of mind.

    Zwodder: A hazy state of mind.
    Example: “He was in a zwodder all day after last night’s party.”

    Why: Because the word “hangover” is a catchall for all sorts of physiological debts we end up paying by pushing ourselves too hard. It would help to have more precise words.

    Mugwump: Someone who acts like they’re above conflict.

    Mugwump: Someone who acts like they're above conflict.

    Example: “My sister always played the mugwump in family disputes.”

    Why: Because we need a word to describe the self-righteous condescension of the pacificist.

    Rawgabbit: Someone who speaks authoritatively about something they know nothing about.

    words you need to know
    Example: “That rawgabbit posts his opinion on Facebook about every single thing that happens in the news.”

    Reason: Because frauds should be named.

    Twattling: gossiping.

    Twattling: gossiping.

    Example: “I knew I was in for it when they stopped twattling soon as I walked in the room.”

    Why: Because ‘twattling’ is one of those words that sounds like the thing it describes: twattle, twattle, twattle.

    Fortnight: a period of two weeks.

    Fortnight: a period of two weeks.

    Example: “We have a meeting with sales every fortnight.”

    Why: Because biweekly is woefully confusing — is it twice a week or every two weeks? Fortnight — and its sibling fornightly — help cure that ambiguity.

    Anon: shortly.

    Anon: shortly.
    Example: “I’ll see you anon.”

    Why: Because it would be nice to have a classier version of see you soon. Plus it always sounds dope when Shakespeare’s characters use it.

    Snowbroth: recently melted snow.

    Snowbroth: recently melted snow.
    Example: “The snowbroth was beautiful outside my apartment, but disgusting on my commute.”

    Why: Because it’s beautifully evocative.

    Gebeorscipe: A beer party.

    words you need to know
    Example: “The world’s greatest gebeorscipe happens in Germany ever September.”

    Why: Because a beer party is the best kind of party, and it deserves its own special word.

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