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    The Ribbon Trap

    The Ribbon Trap
    – Shine Syamaladevi

    The Ribbon Trap

    Title: The Ribbon Trap
    Author: Shine Syamaladevi
    Publisher: LiFi Publications
    Language: English

    Book Blurb

    How can one reclaim life?
    Smita asks the question a thousand times, when an unexpected incident devastates her life.
    Then, she was not ‘any other’ girl. Smita soars from the ashes of her past, to reclaim her life. The more she went ahead, darker the world become.And there was no light at the end of the tunnel. Smita had to fight the battle, alone.
    For her.
    For her love.
    For her life.

    The Ribbon Trap

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    About The Author

    The Ribbon TrapShine Syamaladevi was born in a small village in Kerala. An avid reader and daydreamer
    since childhood, he believes passionate dreams really come true. The journeys around the nation on various official appointments added fuel to his passion, eventually resulting in his first book. His dream.

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